Hi, my name is

Ahsan Khalid.

I create visually pleasing interfaces for the web.

I'm a passionate Front-End web developer having an experience of web applications with React.js & Next.js with CSS3 (alongside TailwindCSS and Bootstrap5).

Currently available for a job & freelance

see my resume

what i do

Front end development

  • Building responsive static/dynamic websites using Next.js
  • Building responsive Single Page Apps in React.js
  • Converting Figma designs into Webpages

OpenSource Contributions

  • Contributed in Hacktoberfest-2023 with 5 successful PR's
  • Engaged in hackathons by MLH (Major League Hacking) to enhance skills
  • Consistently contributed to multiple repositories on GitHub

where i've worked

React Developer @Sync Intern's

March 2023 - April 2023

  • Built dynamic User interfaces using React.js
  • Integrated APIs and Firebase for data management
  • Implemented AI-powered features using OpenAI
  • Gained hands-on experience developing web applications using modern technologies and tools

Latest Projects

what's next

get in touch

I am eager to collaborate and expand my knowledge.

Whether you have a project to discuss or just want to say hi, my inbox is open for all!

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